Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Preventive Maintenance On Your A/C Always Pays Off In Summer

Summer is just ahead here in Yuma and that means it’s almost time for your air conditioner to get back to battling the Arizona heat. Before the temperatures get too high, make sure that your air conditioning unit is in proper working condition. You do not want to be left with an inefficient air conditioner when the hot summer months get here.

A professionally applied preventive maintenance check-up on your air conditioner will take into consideration the following factors:

  • Electrical Connections: Bad electrical connections in your air conditioning unit will result in the unsafe working condition of your A/C system and greatly reduce the life expectancy of your unit.
  • Thermostat Settings: Your thermostat settings should be evaluated to ensure that your air conditioner is running in the most efficient way possible. Some questions you may want to think about: Is your system set to run when you’re not at home? Is it set lower than necessary?
  • Condensate Drain: Clogged/plugged drains can have a negative impact on the humidity levels in your home. By having a preventive maintenance check-up on your A/C you will ensure that your humidity level stays in your home stay at an adequate level.
  • Lubrication: Certain parts of your air conditioning unit that aren’t properly lubricated can cause friction. Too much friction will raise the amount of energy your system needs to run efficiently.
  • Refrigerant Level: Too high or too low of refrigerant levels, will cause your system to function less efficiently.
  • Evaporator and Condenser A/C Coils: Air conditioner’s with dirty coils need more energy to run which will reduce the life of your system and raise your utility bills.
  • Blower Components: If your unit has airflow problems your system’s efficiency can be reduced by as much as 15%.

A preventive maintenance check-up will provide you with comfort in knowing that your A/C is in the best working condition possible and will also save you money on your utility bills. Be sure and ask the staff at Hansberger about a service agreement and let them schedule regular service that will save you money all year long. Contact the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric today and let them take a look at your air conditioner to ensure that your system will be ready to take on the hot summer months ahead.

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Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Co services the Yuma area in Arizona. To get started, check out our website.