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A Quick Primer On Manual J

With summer bearing down on Southwest Arizona, a reliable and effective air conditioner is a must. If you decide to upgrade your air conditioning before the real heat arrives, it’s probably a good idea to understand Manual J. Developed by expert HVAC engineers, Manual J is the protocol that your HVAC contractor will use to gauge your home’s cooling load in order to size your new air conditioner. Here are three ways that the proper sizing of your new cooling system will benefit you.


The primary purpose of your A/C or heat pump is to make your home comfortable. A manual J load calculation will determine your sensible cooling load and your latent cooling load. Sensible cooling load is the amount of heat that your air conditioner will need to remove from your home, whereas the latent cooling load calculates the amount of humidity your system will need to remove. The precise calculation of your home’s needs will let you get the most out of your system.


You wouldn’t drive your kids to and from soccer practice in an 18-wheeler, so why would you run a larger air conditioner than you need? When your HVAC technician evaluates your needs with Manual J, this will ensure that you aren’t expending more energy than necessary to cool your home, either because your A/C is too small or too large. A properly sized system will provide the right amount of cooling throughout your home.

Air Quality

Proper sizing is important for your home’s air quality. A system that that’s too large will cycle on and off too often. This doesn’t provide adequate air filtration or humidity control. Extra moisture can spur mold growth in poorly ventilated areas, and may leave parts of the house feeling cold and clammy.

It’s important to understand that the proper sizing should always be your first consideration when installing a new cooling system. Allowing a professional contractor to perform a Manual J load calculation on your home will benefit you in multiple ways.

For more expert advise on sizing your air conditioner and other matters related to home comfort, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Co.We have been serving the Yuma area since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Co services the Yuma area in Arizona. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!