Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Upgrading Your Cooling System? Quality A/C Installation Is Key

Whether your cooling system is on its last legs, or you’re tired of paying increasingly higher energy bills, upgrading your A/C is a smart move. Today’s high-efficiency models can help increase your comfort level, reduce your carbon footprint, and save you money. Choosing the right unit for your home and your budget is the easy part; quality A/C installation is the key to optimum performance. Here is a list of guidelines your contractor should follow for the ultimate in customer satisfaction.

  • One size does not fit all. Improper sizing of your cooling equipment can lead to discomfort, high energy bills, and ultimately shorten the lifespan of your unit. A unit that’s too large for your home will frequently cycle on aupgrading your cooling equipment yuma arizonand off, while failing to achieve the right temperature. Your contractor must take the time to properly assess your needs by measuring the size of your home, looking at a variety of factors, and determining its cooling load.
  • Check for leaks. A thorough inspection of your ductwork should be performed to identify any leaks that may be present, before repairs are made using mastic or other quality sealants or tape. Leaky ducts can account for as much as a 30 percent loss of conditioned air.
  • Plan for optimal airflow. Too much or too little airflow can result in excessive cooling bills, or a decrease in comfort. Be sure your contractor tests the airflow in your home and takes the steps necessary to adjust it if it’s not the right level.
  • Verify charge. The refrigerant level of your A/C is vital to its performance and wellbeing. An incorrect refrigerant charge can lower the efficiency of the unit by as much as 20 percent, as well as causing unnecessary wear and tear, leading to costly repair bills.

Call the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company today to ensure a quality A/C installation. For 60 years, our family-owned business has been providing professional, quality service to residents of Yuma and the surrounding area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about upgrading your cooling system and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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