Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Checking for Air Leaks: Here’s How to Seal Your Yuma Home

Even though modern homes are better sealed than ever, due at least in part to more advanced construction techniques and materials, air leaks are still a common problem. If not dealt with, they can account for as much as 30 percent of your energy usage. Let’s take a look at the when, where and how of finding and sealing air leaks.

When to Inspect Your Home for LeaksHansberger 9.19.13

To be honest, it’s a good idea to check for possible leakage throughout the year. But in order to help you stick to a schedule, a great idea is to plan an inspection before each season begins. Now that fall is upon us, the time to check for air leaks has arrived.

Where to Look for Leaks

The real trick is to figure out where to find air leaks in your home. A quick check around your windows and doors will typically yield some results. Your home’s ductwork is another prime location, in addition to the places where ducts connect to the furnace. To accomplish a do-it-yourself search for leaks, light a stick of incense and patrol the inside of your home’s outer perimeter, preferably on a windy day. Spots where the smoke wavers are likely leaks. For a more comprehensive job, hire an HVAC professional for a home energy audit, which uses sophisticated equipment and tests to pinpoint the amount and location of air leakage.

How to Fix Air Leaks 

Once you find the leaks, it’s time to fix them. You can have a technician make the necessary repairs or you can seal the cracks and holes yourself. Depending on the type of gap or crack, you can use caulk, expanding spray foam or weather stripping to seal leaks.

If you need more information about finding and sealing air leaks, or have any other home comfort concerns, please contact the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’ve been serving the needs of the Yuma area since 1952.




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Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about sealing air leaks and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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