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Energy-Saving Tips for the Holidays: You Don’t Have to Blow the Budget on Power

The holidays are fast approaching, and if you’re like most Yuma homeowners, you’re looking for ways to trim costs during the giving time of year. One surefire way to save money this holiday season is to lower your energy bills by following these energy-saving tips.

  1. Make the switch to LED. Traditional Christmas lights can quickly eat through your energy budget. LED lights are an attractive and inexpensive alternative, using 90 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs to save you a considerable amount of money on your electric bill.Energy-Saving Tips for the Holidays: You Don't Have to Blow the Budget on Power
  2. Consider fiber optic. Fiber optic decorations are an energy-smart alternative to both LED and traditional decorations, and they generally use a single bulb to light the entire decoration.
  3. Use a timer. It’s easy to forget to turn off the Christmas lights before leaving the house or going to bed. Put your lights on a timer and aim for about six hours of operation each night to save energy.
  4. Turn off your room lights. When the Christmas tree is lit and other decorations provide a light source, keep the overhead lights turned off.
  5. Use candles. Nothing says “holidays” better than the festive glow of candles. Consider lighting your walkway and porch with luminaries instead of Christmas lights, and turn off the overhead lights and set up candles around your home for ambiance when entertaining. Just don’t leave them untended.
  6. Turn down the thermostat. When you’re having a holiday party, turn the thermostat down a few degrees. Bodies equal heat, and higher thermostat settings are unnecessary and may even overheat your guests.
  7. Invest in rechargeable batteries. Nearly 40 percent of all battery sales occur during the holidays. Rechargeable batteries can save you a lot of money during the holidays and over the course of the year.
  8. Opt for Energy Star. When buying electronics this holiday season, choose products with the Energy Star logo, which use up to 60 percent less electricity to operate than comparable models, without compromising performance.

For more energy-saving tips for the holidays, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Co., helping Yuma area residents save energy year-round without sacrificing comfort.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about energy-saving tips and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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