Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Your Forced Air Furnace: This Is How It Works

Over the years, here in the Yuma area, we’ve seen record lows in the 20s in four different months, plus nearly every year features a few frosty nights. Having a reliable method of heating our homes is an important complement to the air conditioning systems we more commonly use.

A forced air furnace is the most popular way of heating American homes. The furnace itself uses electricity, or more commonly, the combustion of fuel – usually natural gas – to produce heat; then an air handler or blower moves it to the living space. if you have a forced air furnace, this is how it works:Your Forced Air Furnace: This Is How It Works


“Forced air” refers to an HVAC system that uses a fan (or fans) to push air through ducts. The sometimes misused term “central air” refers only to the air conditioning capacity of that forced air system.

How It Works

The alternative to forced air flow is old-style natural convection; heated air simply drifts through ductwork and enters the served rooms through floor- or baseboard-level registers. With forced air, an air handler – also called an air mover or blower – propels the treated air.

Efficiency and Bonuses

Forced air systems provide relatively even temperatures throughout the home. That said, some areas – subject to location close to, or far from, vents – may be noticeably warmer or cooler than the norm.

The use of a central thermostat increases energy efficiency. Portable heaters left to run in separate rooms often consume electricity when it’s inappropriate; the rooms could be unoccupied, or the temperature unnecessarily hot.

The installation of an effective air filter within a forced air system reduces recirculating contamination in the airstream. Depending on the type installed, everything from dander and pollen to tobacco smoke and fragments of dust mites can be substantially reduced.


Regular maintenance is required for the filter and for the furnace itself (and, less frequently, for the system of ducts). Without this attention, performance is negatively effected; the efficiency gains noted above may be entirely lost.

Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company sells and services all types of forced air furnaces, and have been serving the greater Yuma community since 1952. Please contact us with any further questions, or to arrange a free in-home consultation.




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