Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Inhale, Exhale Easier With These Indoor Air Quality Tips

Managing indoor air quality when your home is closed tight can improve your health and comfort, and may contribute to lower cooling bills. Homes with little air infiltration can concentrate harmful particulates and pollutants indoors, which you can control by:

  • Checking the air filter for your A/C or heat pump monthly. Cooling systems run frequently during the Inhale, Exhale Easier With These Indoor Air Quality Tipslong summer season, and the filter is your first line of defense against dirt entering the A/C air handler, the ductwork and your home’s air. Not only will you breathe easier, your cooling system will run more efficiently.
  • Choosing the air filter for your system based on your need for filtration. Basic fiberglass filters trap only the largest particles, and if anyone in your home suffers from allergies to pet dander, pollen or mold, you’ll want to install a better filter. Look for a filter with the maximum MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating that you can use with your system. The owner’s manual may state it, or you can ask your HVAC contractor. Using a filter with too high a MERV rating will slow airflow through the system, driving up energy costs and stressing components.
  • Sealing the common wall of an attached garage with caulk will improve indoor air quality, especially if you use the attached garage to store pool, yard and other chemicals, or park your car inside the garage routinely. Replacing the weatherstripping around the adjoining door will also prevent vapors from entering the home.
  • Using kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans to remove the humidity created from cooking and bathing. Humidity encourages mold and mildew growth.

The pros at Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Co. can help you achieve better indoor air quality. We’ve provided exceptional HVAC services for homeowners in the Yuma area since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about indoor air quality and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Avesun/Shutterstock”