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HVAC Maintenance Tips While You’re Renovating Your Home

When renovating your Yuma area home, you may overlook an important part of your home’s safety and comfort: HVAC maintenance. In fact, dirt and debris – like the kind kicked up during renovation work – can damage heating and cooling equipment. Take the following HVAC maintenance tips into consideration when renovating:

  • Plan in advance. Don’t wait until the last minute to consider HVAC maintenance during the renovation. Instead, make sure to have a plan of action before the remodeling process begins.HVAC Maintenance Tips While You're Renovating Your Home
  • Turn off the HVAC equipment during the work. Running forced-air cooling or heating equipment during renovations increases the probability of debris being sucked into the system.
  • Close registers. Closing the registers helps to prevent dust, dirt and other debris that threatens indoor air quality from being pulled into the system.
  • Section off the construction area. Use plastic tarps to separate the renovated areas from the rest of the home. This can greatly reduce the amount of debris that’s redistributed.
  • Work outside. If possible, perform the real debris-creating jobs – such as sanding and cutting – in a garage or outside. This will help keep a lot of the debris out of your house.
  • Change the air filter. During the renovation process and once it’s complete, make sure to change the air filter in your HVAC equipment. A clogged air filter can restrict airflow and strain your HVAC equipment.
  • Regularly clean the work area. Don’t wait until the job is finished to begin cleaning up. Instead, perform regular work area cleanups throughout the renovation process. This will greatly reduce the amount of debris tracked through your home.
  • Hire a HVAC technician to perform a routine HVAC maintenance once the remodeling project is complete. They can spot any potential problems before they occur.

For more information about HVAC maintenance, contact the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We have served the Yuma area since 1954.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC maintenance and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “scyther5/Shutterstock”