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Some Simple Tips for Keeping Warm When Nights Are Cooler in Our Desert Climate

As our Southwest Arizona weather begins to cool for winter, it’s time to think about how to stay comfortable in energy-efficient ways. Some simple tips for keeping warm will ensure that you meet your budget targets.

Reverse Ceiling Fans (Probably Not)Some Simple Tips for Keeping Warm When Nights Are Cooler in Our Desert Climate

In Yuma, even during the winter, you’ll probably want to use ceiling fans for supplemental cooling on warmer days. In colder climates, the usual tip is to reverse the blade movement to clockwise, to help redistribute warm air that collects near the ceiling. In Southwest Arizona in the winter, however, you may still use your fans to help with cooling during warm days.

Check Furniture Placement

Make sure that your furniture is not blocking radiators, vents or registers. Chairs and couches in front of vents, or rugs or drapes that partially cover them, can throw your heating system into disarray and push up energy costs as the system works harder to keep your home warm.

Seal Bottoms of Doors

If you have drafts blowing into rooms under doors, the simplest solution is to place a door draft snake made from scrap material filled with dried beans, raw rice or sand at the bottom of the door. Another alternative is an inexpensive door sweep, which you can find at most hardware or home stores.

Remember to Close Up the House

On warmer winter days in Yuma, you’ll probably want to open up your windows and sliding doors. However, don’t forget to close them tightly as soon as the sun goes down and the desert night begins cooling things off.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat is one of the most effective ways of keeping your home comfortable and saving energy at the same time. Experts recommend setting the temperature to 68 degrees F when you’re at home and 60 degrees F or lower when you’re asleep or out of the house. With a programmable thermostat you can pre-set temperatures for various times of the day and night. You can manually override them if necessary.

Looking for more advice and simple tips for keeping warm (or cool) in the Yuma area? Contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric today; we’ve been operating since 1952, and our highly qualified technicians are more than willing to answer your queries.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about home temperatures and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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