When you buy Energy Star-qualified HVAC products, you’ll know a great deal in advance about the system you’re installing in your home. All products bearing the Energy Star logo meet or exceed high standards for both energy efficiency and cooling and heating effectiveness. Since its inception over two decades ago, the program administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has saved consumers over $300 billion in reduced utility bills and kept approximately two billion metric tons of greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.
The direct benefits to the consumer buying Energy Star-qualified HVAC products include:
- All units undergo independent testing to verify manufacturer’s efficiency rating claims—Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) for air conditioners and Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) for furnaces.
- HVAC appliances with the Energy Star logo offer significant energy savings while still meeting optimum performance standards for heating and cooling.
- Energy Star-qualified HVAC appliances offer the latest innovations and features that enhance convenience and ease of operation.
- If a unit with the Energy Star designation has a higher upfront purchase price than a unit of similar capacity with only standard efficiency, the Energy Star system will offer energy savings sufficient to compensate for the higher sticker price in an acceptable time frame.
- Local, state and federal government agencies may use the Energy Star designation as a qualifying factor to offer rebates on the purchase of new HVAC systems.
To further maximize the benefits of purchasing Energy Star-qualified heating and cooling systems, the homeowner should ensure that the installation of the equipment follows the recommended standards set forth by the Energy Star Quality Installation program by engaging a qualified professional HVAC contractor to perform the installation. All installation of Energy Star-certified HVAC equipment should be preceded by an accurate cooling or heating load calculation to properly size the unit and should also include testing and sealing ductwork, balancing airflow at supply and return vents throughout the house and verifying correct refrigerant charge before and after installation of an air conditioning unit.
For more information on Energy Star-qualified HVAC products for your home in Yuma, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.
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