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Don’t Forget to Inspect Your Furnace Filter

Don’t Forget to Inspect Your Furnace FilterA well-maintained furnace filter is a valuable ally in the fight against Yuma’s abundant dust and increasing pollen levels. If neglected, however, your filter can cause more problems than it solves.

A Clean Furnace Filter Offers Many Benefits

Your filter’s main purpose is to keep debris out of your heating and cooling system, and even a low-efficiency fiberglass filter does an adequate job of this. A higher-efficiency filter (MERV 6 to 12) keeps out even more debris and also improves your indoor air quality.

When dirty, however, the filter impedes the flow of air into your system. The fan motor then has to work harder to maintain the amount of airflow the system requires. The motor uses more energy, which raises your heating and cooling bills, and sustains more wear, increasing its risk of breakdown.

When the debris on the filter accumulates to a certain level, the filter can no longer hold it all. Chunks of dust and other air contaminants can start breaking loose and entering your ducts, your system’s components, and your indoor air. A severely clogged filter can block airflow so much the furnace overheats and automatically shuts down to prevent a fire.

Just changing your furnace filter on schedule keeps your energy bills low, helps your system components last longer, and protects your home’s air quality.

Take Good Care of Your Filter

How often your furnace filter should be replaced depends on the type of filter and the conditions in your home. A low-efficiency filter requires replacement more often than a high-efficiency model. Pets, smokers, a nearby highway or construction zone, and other sources of air contaminants also mean more frequent filter changes.

Regardless of your filter type or air quality, inspect your filter every month. Hold it up to a light source and if you can’t see light through the filter, put in a clean filter. A low-efficiency filter needs replacement every month. Higher-efficiency models might last three months between replacements.

For more pro tips on choosing and maintaining your furnace filter, contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company in the Yuma area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about furnace filters and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

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