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How to Understand the EnergyGuide Label

How to Understand the EnergyGuide LabelWhen buying any new appliance, energy usage is one of your chief concerns. You want to be sure the one you get will perform well without sending your energy bills through the roof. But how can you tell how much energy your new appliance will use? Before you buy, just look for the EnergyGuide label, and it will tell you everything you need to know.

The EnergyGuide label is bright yellow, and can be found on most appliances as you shop for them. At the top, you’ll find basic information about the product, including the maker, model, and size. There’s also a list of key features of this and similar appliances. A refrigerator, for example, might have auto-defrost and a built-in ice maker.

Below that is the appliance’s estimated yearly operating cost, based on average electrical rates in the U.S. But how do you know if that number is reasonable? There’s also a scale showing the range of energy costs for similar models and where this model falls on the scale. The lower on the scale, the more efficient it is.

Most appliances will also list how much electricity this model is expected to use per year, in kilowatt hours. For an HVAC system, it’s a slightly different measurement. Furnaces list the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) — what percentage of fuel is used as heat vs. what percentage is given off as waste. A/Cs, meanwhile, use the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) — the amount of cooling output delivered in an average cooling season, divided by the amount of energy it puts out in that same season. For both AFUE and SEER, the higher the number, the more efficient the system.

Finally, be sure the label has the blue Energy Star logo in the bottom right corner. This signifies that the appliance has been inspected by the federal Energy Star program and proven to save money and energy over similar models, without sacrificing performance or features.

For more help saving energy using the EnergyGuide label, contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’re Yuma’s trusted source for quality HVAC service.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about EnergyGuide Labels and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Public Domain/Wikipedia”