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A Homeowner’s Guide to Smart HVAC Systems

A Homeowner's Guide to Smart HVAC SystemsA focus on eco-friendliness and energy savings means more homeowners are becoming interested in increasing the energy efficiency of their homes. One way to do that is by installing a smart HVAC system. Maybe you’ve heard of such systems and are wondering how they boost efficiency. Here are some of the types of systems available that could help you save on utility bills and diminish your carbon footprint.

Climate Control Systems

Innovative climate control systems do much more than control temperature like a thermostat. They also monitor and control humidity, airflow, ventilation, indoor air quality and zoning. They offer remote access so users can change settings through their smart phone or computer. Some screens might also display a history of faults for quick diagnosis of malfunctions.

Ventilation Systems

Ventilation systems improve indoor air quality by removing stale air and adding fresh air. In a smart system, ventilation fans are connected to sensors, with one control designated as master. The ventilation rate is calculated according to the home’s size as the master control monitors the usage of the fans. The fans turn on and off depending on how much fresh air the master control determines should be produced. Some systems have humidity-sensing fans that turn on automatically and exhaust moisture.

Smart Air Conditioner Features

With an automatic expansion valve, air conditioner efficiency is increased by automatic control of the refrigerant flow through a precisely metered valve, so that proper gas pressure is maintained in the coil.

Other efficient A/C features are a scrolling compressor and variable speed blower motor. When integrated with indoor and outdoor control boards as well as a programmable thermostat, the HVAC can share information so the system performs better.

Two-Stage Furnace

Two-stage furnaces produce gentle, even heat by running most of the time in low stage, then automatically ramping up to high stage as needed. Some of these furnaces can be set to self-learning mode, regulating low- to high-stage heating, while optimizing heating comfort and efficiency.

Curious about how a smart HVAC system could benefit you? Contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company of Yuma for more.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about smart HVAC systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

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