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Going on a Spring Vacation? Ensure Your Home Is Prepared

Going on a Spring Vacation? Ensure Your Home Is PreparedWe all enjoy a nice getaway now and then, but most of us worry a bit about what’s going on at home when we’re away. Now that it’s time for a spring vacation, and with summer just around the corner, you may want to plan to secure your home before you depart.

Tips for Securing Your Home

The no. 1 fear for most of us when we’re vacationing is a home break-in. Sure, a security system will help, but perhaps even better is to make it look as if someone is either in your home or that someone is popping in frequently. Ask a friend or neighbor or hire someone to drop in, pick up newspapers, mail and flyers every day, and to open the blinds or drapes slightly in the day and close them at night.

Also, do the following

  1. Put some of the lights on the house on a timer so they come on in the evening. Better yet, tie the lights into a smart system you can control with an app.
  2. Install a security camera so you can monitor what goes on at your house, inside or out.
  3. Install floodlights that turn on with a motion sensor.

Your HVAC System

You’re probably planning to leave the air conditioner on while you’re away, as warm temperatures are likely to continue here in Yuma. If you don’t have a Wi-fi thermostat, set the temperature at about 78 degrees, which is cool enough to keep pets comfortable and to prevent damage to plants and electronics.

It’s also a good idea to get maintenance performed on your system so that you can ensure it’s running right when you leave. You’ll want your service tech to check the condensate drain to avoid leaks around your A/C. Be sure to instruct the person looking in on your house to check for leaks around the air conditioner or plumbing while you’re away. Change the air filter before you go.

Need more tips for securing your house during spring vacation? Contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company — family owned since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about spring vacation prep and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.