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Summer Savings Tips for Energy Bills

Summer Savings Tips for Energy BillsThere’s no magic trick to staying cool and comfortable in your home during hot summer temperatures. However, if you want to keep energy bills down without sacrificing comfort, you’re probably interested in great summer savings tips to help you out.

From using your thermostat efficiently, to blocking heat gain and freeing up airflow, add the following energy saving tips to your home energy and comfort strategy.

Thermostat Settings and Upgrades

If you’re still using a manual thermostat, it’s time to change. Programmable thermostats are surprisingly inexpensive upgrades that save you energy dollars by automatically switching between comfort temperatures and energy-saving temperatures.

For example, your program could maintain an indoor “cool” temperature of 76 to 78 degrees. When it’s time for everyone to go to work or sleep, the thermostat turns up the temperature to 85 to 88, or whichever temperature setting and time you choose. If you want to go hi-tech, upgrade to a Wi-Fi thermostat. You’ll have remote monitoring and control over all HVAC settings and operation.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans don’t cool indoor air like an air conditioner. However, they do offer a very inexpensive wind-chill factor that can help you feel 4 to 7 degrees cooler. Make sure your ceiling fans are blowing air down to the floor, and only use fans when rooms are occupied.

Free Airflow

Your central air system must have free airflow to cool at peak efficiency. Check your air filter each month during heavy usage. A dirty filter can increase energy bills by up to 15 percent. Try to keep interior doors, such as bedroom doors, open when the central air system is on. A closed door blocks free airflow from air-supply vents to the return grilles.

Dirt and grime buildup on your evaporator, condenser and fins restrict airflow, too. Be sure to schedule HVAC maintenance with your technician before peak summer temperatures. Your technician will clean the indoor and outdoor units of your system, test functions and make sure everything is working efficiently.

For more summer savings tips or to schedule HVAC service, please contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about saving tips and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

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