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Add Ons: Upgrading Your HVAC for Home Additions

Add Ons: Upgrading Your HVAC for Home AdditionsWhen you decide to build an addition onto your home, there are a number of things to consider. How will you decorate it? What color will the walls be? Where will you put the TV and pool table (if you’re lucky, of course)? Before all that, though, you need to think about how you will heat and cool the area.

You may have given thought to upgrading your HVAC system, but this is only one of three choices you have.

Expansion of Your HVAC System

Are you satisfied with your current heating and cooling system? Is your home generally comfortable? If the answer is yes, then you may want to expand your existing system by simply extending the ductwork into the addition. Just remember to have the ductwork evaluated to make sure it’s sealed and insulated. It may also be a good idea to set up a zoning system with its own thermostat to help control heating and cooling costs.

Upgrade of Your HVAC System

If your current HVAC equipment is more than a decade old or cannot handle the required heating and cooling load needed for your existing home plus the new addition, it might be best to upgrade to a brand new system. We know what you’re going to say – that’s expensive. While that is true, there are definitely benefits of going this route. Newer models will last many years and are more energy efficient than older models.

Installation of an Independent System

The third option you may want to consider is the installation of an independent system for the new area. This is the choice to make if the addition is far away from the trunk of your existing HVAC system. What you’ll need to do here is work with your contractor to decide on either a traditional forced-air or ductless mini-split system.

For more expert advice on upgrading your HVAC or any other home comfort concerns, please reach out to Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’ve been serving the heating and cooling needs of Yuma and the surrounding area since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about upgrading your HVAC system and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183. 

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “geralt/Pixabay”