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Rooms Where You Could Maximize Energy Efficiency

Rooms Where You Could Maximize Energy EfficiencyYour energy bills are beginning to skyrocket. Every month you’re paying more. What can you do about it? Plenty. In every room of your home, there are ways you can improve energy efficiency and reduce your bills, including:

Living Room

A ceiling fan can help keep you cool in summer. By reversing the direction of the blades, it can also redirect heat in the winter to keep you warm. In any season, ceiling fans can take some of the load off of your HVAC system, using a lot less energy.

Also, replace your existing light bulbs with LED bulbs. They not only save energy, they last longer than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs.


Use your microwave to cook more. It uses less energy than the stove or oven, as well as heating things more quickly. When you do use the stove, keep lids on pots and pans, to keep heat in and help them cook faster. Similarly, don’t open the oven door while you’re baking, as it will let the heat out. And don’t leave your refrigerator door open, as it will let heat in.


A programmable thermostat can help you save energy while you sleep. It can switch automatically to a more energy efficient setting while the family is in bed, and back to your regular comfort level when you wake up.


Invest in an on demand water heater. Rather than wasting energy keeping 40 or 50 gallons of water constantly hot, and making you wait forever as that water makes its way towards your faucet, it heats water only as needed, and delivers it to you immediately.

Finally, in any room of the house, you can improve energy efficiency by looking for Energy Star certified appliances. From refrigerators to HVAC systems to TVs, and more, the blue Energy Star logo certifies that an appliance will save you money and energy over similar models, without sacrificing performance.

To learn more about how to maximize energy efficiency throughout your home, contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We proudly serve Yuma’s HVAC needs.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.