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Mild Weather and Your HVAC

Mild Weather and Your HVACWhen we talk about mild weather in our region, we generally mean less hot than in the summer, where daytime highs are typically over 100 degrees F. Milder weather, meaning daytime highs in the 70s or 80s, can roll around in fall by October, with lows in the 60s. That may still be a bit too warm in the daytime for most people to turn off their air conditioners, despite our dry climate.

So what are you to do about those fall HVAC settings?

Setting the Thermostat for Fall in Yuma

If you have a programmable or Wi-fi thermostat, you should probably set a fall schedule suitable for warm days and cool nights. Set the air conditioner for 78 degrees in the day and at night when everyone is sleeping. That may be a little warm for some people in your household, but you can compensate by adding fans for those who feel need them. You can adjust the temperature downward a few degrees in the morning when everyone is getting up and moving around, and in the afternoon and early evening when everyone is arriving home.

You may have to play around with the thermostat settings until you find the optimal temperatures for everyone during the early fall. Then, when it’s a little cooler in November, you may need to make another adjustment.

For any possible chilly days in October and November — and it can happen — you probably want to turn the system off and enjoy the breezes by opening the windows, particularly iin the evening. You probably won’t need the heating — perhaps you can just turn the air conditioner off and use space heaters if a cold front comes in. But if it does get chilly enough that you need to turn on the furnace before winter arrives, be sure to schedule your HVAC preventative maintenance visit. Preventative maintenance can help catch little problems before they become big ones and cost you more for repairs.

To learn more about fall HVAC settings, or to schedule repairs, maintenance or installations, call Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.

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