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HVAC Considerations When Remodeling

HVAC Considerations When RemodelingIf you plan home renovations that affect the size of your home or the space you want to condition, you may need to involve your HVAC contractor early on in the planning process. There’s a direct relationship between the size and energy efficiency of your home and how comfortable it is throughout the year.

Why Size Matters

Manufacturers offer residential HVAC systems in different sizes that refer to the capacity of the system to heat or cool a structure. If the system is too small, it may not be able to keep up with heating or cooling demands during extreme weather. If it’s too large, it will run in short cycles that increase energy bills, reduce comfort and wear the parts out faster.

Options to Consider

If the home addition or the retrofit add more space than your existing system can handle, you may need a larger system or find an alternative way to heat and cool it. Retrofits include making garages livable or creating livable spaces in the attic.

Your HVAC contractor can help you decide what is the best alternative, such as:

  • Installing a ductless mini split in a new space. If your home renovations include an addition, a ductless mini split heat pump will give you comfortable and energy efficient heating and cooling.
  • A new HVAC system. If your existing system won’t have the capacity your home will need and it’s aging, consider a new system. Your energy bills will go down and you might be able to finance it in the construction loan.
  • Additional ductwork. If your new addition won’t tax your current HVAC system, you will probably need to extend the ductwork to the new space. Your HVAC contractor will do the airflow calculations and balancing to ensure your comfort. The ideal time to install new ductwork is before the drywall stage when the ceiling and walls are completely accessible.

Making home renovations could have a big impact on your current HVAC system. The pros at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company can help you choose the best option for your Yuma-area home.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.