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How to Deal with Cold Spots in Summer

How to Deal with Cold Spots in Summer

Even though we’re now at that time of year where you’re trying to cool off your home, it can be very annoying when you have cold spots that you can’t explain. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do to start fixing cold spots right away.

Make Sure Vents Aren’t Blocked

It’s easy for the vents around your home to become blocked, which means that you could have uneven cooling in certain areas of your home. Take a look at every vent and be sure that they are clear of any possible airflow obstructions.

Search Your Home for Drafts

While it’s impossible to fix every single air leak in your home, you can at least tackle the ones that are causing drafts. The two most common places for this to occur is around the edges of your doors and windows oh, which you can seal with weather stripping or caulking.

Fix Insulation Problems

If your home suffers from poor insulation, then you’re likely to have problems with cold spots in certain areas. The best thing to do is to hire a qualified HVAC technician to analyze your needs and then add the proper level of insulation so that your home is conditioned more evenly.

Repair Any Damage to Your Air Ducts

If your air ducts have become damaged, then cool air may be getting to some areas of your home more than others. It’s always a good idea to periodically check your ducts for rips and holes, and get them fixed right away.

Consider Using a Zoning System

With a traditional cooling system, you have no choice but to condition your entire home even though some rooms will be naturally cooler than others. Since this will cause those rooms to become colder than desired, consider upgrading to a zoning system that will allow you to target your cooling efforts.

For more expert advice on fixing cold spots or any other home comfort concerns, the professionals at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company can help. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Yuma and the surrounding area since 1952.