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How to Stay Cool with Summer HVAC Hints

summer HVAC hintsThe necessity of your air conditioning system running properly throughout the summer months cannot be overstated. It’s important to keep your household comfortable for you and your loved ones, so we’ve compiled a few summer HVAC hints that you can begin implementing right now.

Call an HVAC Technician

To keep your air conditioner working efficiently and effectively all year long, it’s best to call a qualified and licensed HVAC technician to check out the system once per year. This will help you save energy and money while improving your home’s overall comfort level and prolonging the operational lifespan of the system.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

The thermostat that you choose to use for your HVAC system has a lot to do with how well you’re able to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. Manual thermostats are pretty much obsolete at this point, which means that if you haven’t already invested in a programmable model, you should definitely do an upgrade. This will allow you to have better control over both your heating and cooling needs.

Be Sure to Turn on Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a tried-and-true device that will help circulate the cool air while ridding your home of the warm air. You should utilize them whenever possible to help take some of the burden off of your HVAC equipment, and be sure that they are turning counterclockwise so that they are effective in pushing the warm air away.

Check Vents for Blockage

If any of your vents are closed or blocked by an obstruction such as furniture or boxes, then air won’t be permitted to flow the way that it should throughout your home. Take a quick look at each of your vents and make sure that they aren’t blocked by anything or clogged up with debris. This will instantly improve your equipment’s efficiency.

These summer HVAC hints should help you stay cool throughout the season, but if you need any additional assistance, the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company can help. We’ve been servicing the needs of Yuma and the surrounding area since 1952.