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How to Balance HVAC into Your Interior Design

HVAC elements in interior designLet’s face it: the elements inside your home associated with your HVAC system aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing features in your decor. In some cases, they can be plain unsightly or even obtrusive. There are ways to work in HVAC elements in interior design, however. Learn how, and get to work on making HVAC elements work in your home’s interior.

Working HVAC Elements Into the Decorating Scheme

The main thing to remember when working HVAC components into the home design is to not impede their performance. Whatever you decide to do design-wise, don’t mess with the function. For instance, never block vents with furniture or rugs: they need to be free of obstructions to work properly. Most likely the vents need to be where the builder has placed them, but perhaps you’re planning a renovation and the vents are so obtrusive you’d like them moved and the ducts reconfigured to improve performance.

Otherwise, sometimes you can place a chair, table or bookcase so that the vents aren’t so obvious. Sometimes decorative grilles can help improve the vents so that they’re not such eyesores.

Does the thermostat right in the middle of the wall bug you? Maybe you can frame it and surround it with framed pictures that make it less obvious. Some homeowners have built little cabinets with doors around the them so the thermostat can disappear from the wall. Some of the newer smart thermostats offer sleek modern designs in copper or steel that might add to your decor.

If your HVAC cabinet is on the ground floor, and not hidden away in the attic or basement, you can invest in a good-looking cabinet (with louvered doors for air flow) to hide the equipment.

Replacing central air conditioners and furnaces with a ductless mini split offers some possibilities. The air handlers are often quite small and easy to work into the design scheme so they are less obtrusive. The air handlers are versatile to mount — on the ceiling, floor, wall or a shelf.

For more on HVAC elements in interior design, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.