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The Right Indoor Temperature to Keep Your Christmas Tree Looking Fresh

There’s no denying that the centerpiece of Christmas celebrations is the Christmas tree. Besides allowing you to display all your lovely decorations, a live tree offers an aroma that’s a nostalgic mix of the outdoors and the holidays. But you’ll only achieve those lasting holiday looks if you pay attention to small details like indoor temperature and moisture levels. Here’s more on how you can give your tree the proper care it requires.


If you plan to store your tree for several days before displaying it, choose a cool and shaded storage location like an unheated garage. It’s also recommended that you place the trunk in water to prolong the tree’s freshness.

Display Location

You want to avoid displaying your Christmas tree under or above heating and air vents. That’s because the heated air from the vents will make the tree dry quickly and fill your house with little dried needles. Keep it away from other sources of heat as well, such as fireplaces and heaters. It’s also advisable to choose a display location away from windows.

Reducing the room temperature helps your Christmas tree last longer. That’s because lower temperatures reduce the rate of water loss. The tree also consumes less water each day as a result. Nevertheless, it’s essential to keep the tree hydrated. Place it in a stand that can hold a gallon of water. Maintain the level of water at an inch above the base of the trunk.

The original cut of the tree may not accept water readily as a result of being filled with pitch. Therefore, it’s best to make another cut on the tree’s base, an inch above the original one, to open its pores before setting it in the stand.

If provided with the right conditions like lower temperatures and a constant water supply, your Christmas tree can retain its fresh needles for 30 days or even more. For more information on maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures, contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We serve the home comfort needs of homeowners in the Yuma area.