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Does the Architecture Style You Pick Affect Your HVAC Unit?

hvac architecture stylesAll too often, when an architect designs a custom home, the HVAC system is almost an afterthought. Yes, the builders know the home has to have one, but the HVAC system is hardly ever integrated into the design with maximum efficiency in mind.

What a difference it would make if the architect or builder met with heating and cooling specialists to discuss how the HVAC would work best within the design, before the home is built.

Here are some tips for overcoming problems that could be created by challenging HVAC architecture styles in Yuma.

High Ceilings

Here in Yuma, we’re most concerned with efficient cooling of our homes. Homes with high or cathedral ceilings present a challenge. While it’s better to build homes with lower ceilings in our climate, some homeowners just love the openness and grandeur of vaulted or cathedral ceilings.

Heat gets pushed up to the ceiling by cooler air, so the upper reaches of the home with vaulted ceilings can get very warm. One way to deal with this is to run the air conditioner fan without the AC. The movement of the air will make occupants feel cooler.

In addition to the street-level return air register, builders should add a second, return air register at this upper level. The register will draw in the warm air and allow the lower, cooler air to prevail.

Another solution is to build the home with two systems: one at ground level and one for the upper level. The cathedral area might be zoned and run off one of the two systems. In fact, a zoned system, where each room only gets as much conditioned air as it needs, might also be a good solution.

Other things to incorporate into the home design with the goal of reducing the temperature:

  • Large ceiling fans to lift hot air.
  • Building with heavy, dense material such as concrete, stone, and adobe to absorb heat during the day and release it in the evening.
  • Masonry walls and concrete floors to lower indoor temperatures.

For more on HVAC architecture styles and how they impact efficiency, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.