Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Don’t Get Caught Without AC Efficiency as Summer Draws Near

As summer draws near, there are often two things on the minds of Yuma-area homeowners: higher temperatures and higher energy bills. Nothing can be done about the mercury rising in the thermometer, but there are things you can do to increase AC efficiency and reduce energy costs in your home this summer.

Keep Air Vents Clean

Take a look at the air-supply vents in your home. Are they dusty and dirty? You can help improve indoor airflow by keeping air vents clean. Simply wipe them clean with water and a wet cloth or vacuum the vents with the brush extension.

Change the Air Filter

The air filter is a no-frills part of your HVAC system, but it’s an essential part that can help improve AC efficiency. The air filter removes particulates from the airflow that can build up on AC parts and reduce efficiency. If dirt buildup becomes too great, it can even cause a breakdown. Make sure you change your air filter as suggested by the manufacturer.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you’re like many Yuma-area homeowners, you may adjust the thermostat to save energy at night and at times when no one is home. However, when you forget to adjust the thermostat, you’re wasting energy. You can help maximize AC efficiency by installing a programmable thermostat or a Wi-Fi thermostat, which will automatically change temperatures for you according to your schedule and lifestyle.

Inspect Air Ducts

Poor air duct design and lack of maintenance can drastically reduce air-conditioner efficiency. Air leaks, uninsulated ducts, and disconnected duct seams lose conditioned air and heat energy, which can substantially increase your energy bills and hamper AC efficiency. If you haven’t had your ductwork inspected in a while, call your HVAC professional for an inspection.

Lastly, one of the most important ways to maintain AC efficiency is to schedule professional HVAC service each year.

To learn more about improving AC efficiency in your Yuma-area home, contact the pros at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company today.