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What Are the Best Ways to Conserve Energy This Fall?

Our Yuma winters are mild, so we use our heating systems a lot less than folks do in most areas of the country. However, that doesn’t preclude you from saving money on heating should you need it now and then throughout the fall and winter. Read on for ways to conserve energy during the colder seasons.

Ways to Conserve Energy in Yuma

  1. Air-seal your home. Winter or summer, you don’t want your conditioned air leaking out of your home. That’s exactly what happens when you have minute cracks in exterior walls. Likewise, unconditioned air can get in the home through these cracks, compromising your heating efforts. Go around your home with a lit stick of incense and hold it in front of baseboards; around door and window frames; near recessed lighting; in front of electric plugs; and around the openings for wires, pipes, and cables. If the smoke wavers, you probably have a leak. Fixing leaks with weatherstripping, insulation, and caulk is one of the most effective ways to conserve energy.
  2. Let the sunlight in. We usually have an abundance of sunshine in our region, so open the blinds, curtains, or shutters and let the solar radiation in on chilly days.
  3. Set your thermostat back. If you have a programmable or Wi-Fi thermostat, you can set it for savings on a daily basis. Set the temperature down a few degrees overnight and when the home’s occupants are gone during the day. Set the thermostat to come back up to a more comfortable temperature in the mornings and evenings when everyone is home and moving around the house.
  4. Wear layers. On chilly days, you can keep the heating set at a lower temperature if you dress warmly in the home.
  5. Change your air filter often. A dirty air filter slows down airflow in your HVAC system and keeps it from operating at its full capacity You will be wasting energy as it struggles to reach temperature set points. Change the filter often and schedule preventative maintenance in the fall and spring to ensure the system is working properly.

For more ways to conserve energy, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.