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What Are the HVAC Stats That Every Homeowner Should Know?

What do you know about HVAC statistics? It may not seem too interesting, but understanding them can change how you view your system. Here are a few HVAC stats you need to know.

Important HVAC Stats and Features

In a recent survey, customers were asked what their most important considerations were when buying a new HVAC system. According to the survey, 38% of respondents said system reliability is their top priority. Next on the list was cost, at 17%. What this means in practical terms is that many HVAC customers are willing to pay a little more for their system if it means it will work better and last longer.

An additional 17% of respondents ranked efficiency as their top consideration. Between skyrocketing energy costs and the desire to combat climate change and lower your carbon footprint, finding a system that can use less energy while still keeping your house comfortable is an important priority for most homeowners.

Ranking just below efficiency was comfort, at 16%, while 7% said brand reputation, 3% said humidity control, and 2% said IAQ is their most important HVAC consideration.

Energy Usage via HVAC Stats

Energy efficiency is integral to your HVAC usage and thus deserves further scrutiny. For instance, did you know that a full 55% of the average American energy bill is devoted to just heating and cooling? In Yuma, the average electric bill is $189 per month, or $2,268 per year. That makes $1,247 spent on HVAC energy.

In terms of energy efficiency, even the most basic of upgrades can yield big savings. Say you have an older AC system with a SEER rating of 10. The minimum SEER rating in Yuma is currently 14. If you get a new system, even the minimum SEER is 67% more efficient than your current SEER 10. If you go for a SEER 16, that’s 69% more efficient than a SEER 10 and 13% more efficient than a SEER 14.

To learn more about HVAC stats and how they apply to you, contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We serve all of Yuma’s home-comfort needs.