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Top Electric Problems for Homeowners

Whether you live in a new Yuma area home or an older house, you may encounter electrical problems. While you should never ignore these electric problems, many problems are minor and easy to fix. These troubleshooting tips may help identify the issue.

  • Circuit breakers trip too frequently. This may be a sign that you’re running more high-wattage applianTop Electric Problems for Homeownersces than your electrical system can cope with. Reduce the number of appliances running at one time, and replace older appliances and electronics with more efficient models. If this doesn’t work, you may need to upgrade your electrical system. An engineer can install an extra electrical circuit to spread the load.
  • Bulbs fail repeatedly. Light-bulbs repeatedly burning out may indicate that you’re using the wrong wattage bulbs. Check the wattage on your light fittings: if it’s rated lower than the bulbs you’ve been using, this may be causing the bulbs to burn out.
  • Outlets spark or fail to work. It’s fairly normal to see electrical outlets sparking slightly from time to time, usually when connecting or disconnecting an appliance. Heavy sparking for no obvious reason is a cause for concern, as it can lead to fires and signals an electrical problem. Outlets that look discolored or sooty need to be investigated right away. If an outlet simply doesn’t work, it may have been overloaded. Check the breakers for the circuit that it’s on. You should also check for nearby dampness or water leaks, as these can cause a circuit breaker to cut out.
  • Lights flickering. Flickering electric lights can indicate a weak connection to the electrical supply. If they flicker more in high winds, this can be a symptom of a faulty power line. These are both issues that require a qualified technician’s help.
  •  Recessed lighting has an intermittent fault. This usually occurs when the lights are overheating periodically, then cooling down. Check that the lights are appropriate for the fixtures and that poorly placed insulation isn’t trapping too much heat.

Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Company has been providing the Yuma area with quality HVAC and electrical services since 1952. For expert advice on electric problems and other HVAC topics, please contact us today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about electric problems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Stuart Miles/Shutterstock”