Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Things to Consider Before Replacing Your Home Heat Pump

As a heat pump ages, it’s normal for it to begin losing energy efficiency and for the frequency and cost of repairs to increase with time. If you and your HVAC technician have decided that replacing your home heat pump will make better economic sense than trying to repair it, these tips can help make your home more comfortable and less costly to keep cool in our Yuma climate.

Size your heat pump based on your home’s actual requirements. Be sure your HVAC pro performs a detailedThings to Consider Before Replacing Your Home Heat Pump calculation of your home’s current cooling and heating load, taking into account factors that might have changed since your original heat pump was installed. For example, if you recently installed energy-efficient windows or upgraded your attic insulation, you might be able to keep your house comfortable with a smaller heat pump.

Upgrade your entire system along with your heat pump. Consider installing a zoned system that lets you keep different areas of your home at different temperatures. You can accomplish this by installing a multi-zone programmable thermostat and motorized baffles in your ductwork.

Look into options for increasing energy efficiency. Ask about two-speed compressors and variable-speed fan motors that improve efficiency, while increasing home comfort and reducing operating noise. If you haven’t completed other projects around your house to reduce air leaks and energy losses, such as replacing weatherstripping and upgrading insulation, this is a good time to do so.

Choose your outdoor unit’s location wisely. Place your heat pump’s outdoor equipment away from decks, bedroom windows and other places where operating noise might be a problem.

Call Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company for help replacing your home heat pump anywhere in the Yuma area.

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