Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Essential Elements of a Professional A/C Installation

In order to get the best efficiency and durability from your new air conditioning system, you should ensure your HVAC contractor performs a high quality professional A/C installation. Skipping any of these four steps may cost you down the road in higher energy bills, lower indoor comfort and avoidable repairs.

Essential Elements of a Professional A/C InstallationSizing

Nothing impacts the performance of central air conditioners and heat pumps more than size. Installing one that’s too large for your home won’t cool it any faster or save more energy. In fact, an oversized HVAC system can actually drive up energy costs and reduce comfort. Before you sign a contract with an HVAC company, insist that they conduct a load calculation of your home using Manual J software as the first step in the process.


Your existing ductwork needs to be analyzed for compatibility with the new system and its integrity. Ducts that are too large or leaky can decrease your comfort and increase energy costs. When ducts aren’t large enough, the air rushing through will make noise. When they’re too large, they won’t push the air through forcefully enough, which can lower comfort and raise energy consumption.

Sometimes it’s necessary to reconfigure your ducts to match the capacity of your new system during a professional A/C installation. Air duct sealing is crucial, as ductwork leaks can drive up energy costs considerably, regardless of your new A/C’s energy efficiency.


The amount of airflow going into your air handler needs to be measured and set to the manufacturer’s specifications. Too little airflow can slow down the heat exchange process, freeze the evaporator coil and harm the compressor. Too much airflow isn’t as mechanically unsound for your new cooling system, but it can increase how long your system needs to run, increasing energy costs.


Double-checking the refrigerant level is the final step in the installation process. Too little or too much refrigerant can harm your equipment and its performance.

To learn more about a professional A/C installation, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’ve been providing outstanding HVAC services for Yuma homeowners since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about A/C installation and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Christian Delbert/Shutterstock”