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Get Household Dust Under Control and Watch Your Home’s IAQ Improve

Fighting household dust is an uphill battle. As long as you have upholstered furniture, carpet, drapes and bedding, you’ll fight dust accumulation in your home. Follow these tips to keep on top of those pesky dust bunnies and improve indoor air quality.

Minimize Closet DustGet Household Dust Under Control and Watch Your Home’s IAQ Improve

Closets harbor dust and whip up an invisible cloud every time you open the door. To cut down on dust, keep the closet neat and organized. Box up items stored on the shelf, bag unused coats and keep the floor clear so you can vacuum it weekly.

Wash the Sheets Regularly

Every time you jump in bed, you whip up a dust storm that aggravates your allergies. Wash bedding weekly in hot water to kill dust mites and improve indoor air quality. Shake out comforters and pillows to remove much of the dust settled inside.

Vacuum More Efficiently

A vacuum’s agitator sweeps the carpet to help it clean deeper, but this sends a cloud of dust swirling into the air. Trap some of this dust before it resettles by switching the thermostat fan setting to “On.” Run the blower while you vacuum and keep it on for 15 minutes afterward. Then return the thermostat to the “Auto” setting.

Upgrade the Air Filter

Every time the A/C operates, indoor air circulates through the air filter, removing dust and dirt from the air. Trap smaller particles and improve indoor air quality with a higher-efficiency air filter.

Use the Right Cleaning Supplies

Pick up dust instead of spreading it around by dusting with a damp, electrostatic or oiled cloth. Dust rough surfaces with the vacuum brush attachment. Use a bagless vacuum with a HEPA filter to reduce the amount of dust exiting the exhaust stream.

Beat Cushions and Rugs

Upholstered cushions and area rugs are huge dust magnets. Every month, take them outside and beat them with a tennis racquet or broom. To help eliminate indoor dust, replace upholstered furniture with leather or vinyl.

For more tips to improve indoor air quality, please contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Co. We have served Yuma residents since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about household dust and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Craig Wactor/Shutterstock”