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Avoiding Electrical Problems During the Holidays

Avoiding Electrical Problems During the HolidaysIf you’re hosting a holiday party, the last thing you want to deal with is an electrical problem that can disrupt the festivities and even create a dangerous situation for you and your loved ones. To ensure that your holiday goes off without a hitch, we’ve compiled a few electrical problems to be aware of and how you can avoid them.

Inspect Electrical Decorations

You never want to put up electrical decorations that have been damaged in any way. Whether you’ve purchased something brand new or you’re putting up items that have been sitting in a box, be sure to carefully inspect each decoration to make sure there are no frayed wires or other damage.

Avoid Outlet Overload

Plugging too many electrical items into a single outlet is never a good idea. This can overload the circuit and present a very dangerous fire hazard. If you have more than two items plugged into a single outlet, spread them around to other outlets.

Go Light on Electrical Holiday Decor

Your family will love your home’s decor without you turning it into Santa’s workshop. So, this year, try to limit yourself to only a few decorations that use electricity. There are plenty of alternatives to choose from and you’ll save both energy and money.

Replace Any Damaged Bulbs Before Use

If you’re about to put up your Christmas lights and you realize that some of the bulbs are damaged, you need to replace those bulbs before using them. This should be followed whether the tree you’re hanging them on is real or fake.

Use Battery-Operated Decorations

Unless you really have your heart set on a specific electrical decoration, there are plenty of battery-operated alternatives available for use. These decorations are much safer and you don’t have to worry about them causing a fire if they malfunction or become damaged.

If you need more assistance with electrical problems in your home during the holidays or beyond, please contact the friendly professionals at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electrical. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Yuma and the surrounding areas for more than 66 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.