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Maintaining Your HVAC System: Easy Things You Can Do To Prevent Problems And Boost Efficiency

A little HVAC maintenance now can save you a lot of money later. Although some tasks are best left to the experts, there are some easy things you can do yourself. With a garden hose, a feather duster and a keen eye, you can do a little seasonal cleaning to keep your system running smoothly.
Use this five-point checklist to prevent problems and boost efficiency:

  1. Clean or replace your air filters. If you’re unsure how to do this or don’t know where your filters are located, your contractor will be glad to help. Depending on the type of filter, you may need to change it as frequently as once a month to keep unobstructed airflow through your system.
  2. Inspect landscaping around outside HVAC units. Shrubs and other plantings can grow too close to your unit, restricting airflow and causing your system to run more inefficiently. Prune back so that foliage is at least five feet from the unit. Remove other structures, such as garbage carts, chairs or stored items that are too close to your outside unit.
  3. Clean coils and condenser. With a jet stream from your garden hose, knock off dirt and debris that accumulates on your outside unit. Dirty coils cause your system to run longer than it should, which increases your utility costs unnecessarily.
  4. Dust inside vents, grates and registers. Get out that feather duster or cleaning rag and clear dust and cobwebs that can restrict airflow. Your HVAC system will breathe better, and so will your family.
  5. Schedule your seasonal maintenance check. The U.S. Department of Energy offers a maintenance checklist of what to expect from your contractor. The department suggests making an appointment near time changes in spring and autumn, before your contractor’s book is filled with other customers’ seasonal maintenance appointments.

Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Companyhas served the Yuma, Ariz., area since 1952. We’re happy to help with all your HVAC needs.

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Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Co services the Yuma area in Arizona. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!