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Check Your Heat Pump Compressor While You’re Tidying The Yard

With the sizzling weather not far away, it’s probably a good idea to do any yard tidying up before it gets too hot. While doing this, take some time to ensure that your heat pump or A/C condenser/compressor is ready as well. Aside from keeping it clean, you also should consider a regular maintenance checkup by a professional.

Things You Can Do

Check Your Heat Pump Compressor While You're Tidying The YardThere are a number of things you can do to keep your heat pump or air conditioner working efficiently.

  • Clear a space: Clear away any leaves or other debris that may be around the unit, since this can interfere with the airflow the unit requires.
  • Cut back: Cut back any growths, such as weeds, bushes or vines too near the unit
  • Trim: Remove any overhanging branches that might fall on the heat pump and damage it
  • Clean the cabinet: The metal cabinet that contains the heat pump should be cleaned to remove any dirt or grass clippings
  • Wax: Wipe down the cabinet using standard car wax

Things You Should Not Do

There are several things you should not do, since they might damage your heat pump:

  • Tools: Do not place tools on the heat pump or lean them against it
  • Hoses: Do not use the heat pump as a place to store your garden hose
  • Covers: Do not use covers for your heat pump since this can collect moisture and accelerate rusting

Scheduled Maintenance

There are a number of heat pump maintenance issues that should be handled by a professional. That’s why it’s best to have regularly scheduled checkups for your system. The technician can check your unit for leaks, add refrigerant if it’s needed, and look for other problems you may not have noticed.

A big weekend project to get your yard ready for the summer is also an excellent time to think about your heat pump. If you have any questions, please contact Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric. We’ll be happy to help you.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about heat pumps and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Co services the Yuma area in Arizona. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!     

Maintenance Checklist image via Shutterstock