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Installing A New A/C? Do It Right — With Expert Help

Installing a new A/C correctly is a vital part of the purchasing process. You have to think about the installation as a step in the purchase because if it’s not done well you won’t get the right performance, savings or comfort.

The federal Energy Star program has installation standards that ensure your equipment provides all the benefits that it sInstalling A New A/C? Do It Right -- With Expert Helphould:

  • Get the savings you’re paying to get. Improperly installed air conditioners use more energy than they should, sometimes up to 30 percent more. That means you’re paying a premium for high-efficiency equipment but you’re not getting the energy savings.
  • Proper sizing.  Old air conditioners were often oversized but these days HVAC experts have a much better understanding of proper sizing techniques. Units that are too large cycle on and off frequently and consume more energy than necessary. You don’t want an undersized A/C either.
  • Whole-house approach. Your home likely has a number of weak points that may allow conditioned air to escape and outside air to enter. Energy Star installation standards require that your technician check your ductwork, seal any holes, and repair any damage or loose connections.
  • Check refrigeration charge. Improper levels of refrigerant can rob your system of up to 20 percent of its efficiency. Therefore, verifying the proper charge is a big part of an Energy Star-approved installation.
  • Optimize airflow. Your technician has advanced tools for testing airflow at all major points. Proper airflow makes your home more comfortable and helps control humidity so you use your A/C less and save more.
  • Check and double check. Energy Star provides a detailed checklist for the entire installation process. Your technician should be able to go through it with you and verify that he performed each step.
  • Test the performance. The job isn’t done until the system is tested and measured so that the technician and you are assured that the performance is exactly what it should be.

If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Co. With more than 60 years of service to Yuma and the surrounding area, we can make installing your new A/C a breeze.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about installing a new a/c  and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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