Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Yuma’s Winter Is Mild, but Heat Loss Still Can Raise Your Bills

Although the energy cost burden on Yuma area homeowners is highest in the summer, taking steps to minimize heat loss when temperatures outdoors are cool this winter will help you curb your heating bills. Most of the following steps will not only save money this winter, but next spring and summer as well: 

  • Bundle up your water heater. Water heating costs increase during the winter in Yuma because the incoming water is cooler and the indoor air is cooler. While this affects water heaters inside garages more than those indoors, the net rYuma's Winter Is Mild, but Heat Loss Still Can Raise Your Billsesult in either case is higher water heating bills. Considering that heating your water is the second-highest energy cost in your home, it makes sense to wrap it with an insulating blanket available at home improvement centers. Follow the instructions carefully, especially if you use gas. If you own a newer model water heater, it probably came already insulated.
  • Have your ductwork inspected. Duct leaks result in higher heating bills and can even degrade indoor air quality. A licensed HVAC contractor has tools to measure the amount of leakage in your ducts and take steps to seal them tightly. You should also ask the contractor to clean and adjust your heating system to improve its energy efficiency and address any safety issues related to gas heating.
  • Locate the air leaks in your home’s envelope. Cracks around windows and exterior door frames contribute to significant heat loss. Look for cracks around window frames and seepage around exterior doors. Exterior caulk will seal small cracks, while larger gaps require expanding foam. Fresh weatherstripping will help seal the leaks around movable parts of doors and windows, and a door sweep or draft blocker at the bottom of the door will stop air infiltration.
  • Improve attic insulation. Many of the older homes in our region lack attic insulation, or it may have settled, reducing its effectiveness. The ideal amount to have in this region is 13 inches. Improving the insulation stops heat loss immediately.

For assistance with stopping heat loss during the heating season, contact Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Company. We’ve proudly provided HVAC services for Southwest Arizona homeowners since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventing heat loss and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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