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Effective Tips for Extending the Life of Your HVAC System

Coaxing the most efficiency and longevity from your HVAC system is largely a matter of keeping it in top running condition. The maintenance you perform routinely and the attention your HVAC professional provides can go a long way towards keeping energy consumption in line and preventing problems with this essential appliance.

  • Have your system tuned-up at least once a year by an HVAC professional. Your technician will inspect, clean anEffective Tips for Extending the Life of Your HVAC Systemd adjust all system parts, checking for small problems that are easy and less costly to fix from the outset. The maintenance technician will then bring the system back to its original settings as closely as possible, including the refrigerant level. When the level is too low, the evaporator coil inside the air handler can freeze over, stopping the cooling process. When the refrigerant level is off, it can adversely affect the compressor, which is your system’s most expensive part.
  • Nothing compromises the life of your HVAC system faster than a dirty air filter. Not only does it slow the airflow going through your system, but it also makes it run a lot longer to reach the thermostat’s setting. Besides the increased wear on system parts, your energy bill will also climb.
  • Keep an eye on the outdoor condenser, and remove any vegetation that blocks the airflow through the condensing coil, hosing off the coil that wraps around the condenser. A clean coil loses the heat from your home faster, lowers energy consumption and protects the compressor.
  • Avoid the temptation to close off rooms you seldom use. HVAC systems are designed to run best with a precise amount of air flowing through them, and shutting registers can interfere with the air pressure. A reduction in return air can harm the compressor because less air will blow over the evaporator coil, sending the refrigerant back to the compressor at too cold a temperature.

The experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company can help you get the most from your HVAC system. We’ve been providing exceptional HVAC services for Yuma area homeowners since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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