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What is Heat Loss and How Can I Fix it?

What is Heat Loss and How Can I Fix it?Heat loss is a major contributor toward costly energy bills during fall and winter. It also puts a strain on your HVAC system by making the system work harder to keep your home warm. Here is what you can do to alleviate this problem in your Yuma home.

Causes of Heat Loss

Heat loss occurs when warmth escapes from your home during cool seasons. The most obvious cause is through air leaks, such as those around window frames or under exterior doors. However, heat also escapes through poorly insulated walls, ceilings and attics.

Evaluating and Managing Heat Loss

The most accurate way to assess how well your home retains heat is to schedule a professional home energy audit. During this visit, a contractor will discover air leaks through careful visual inspection and by taking special thermal images, which show where heat is escaping most readily, as well as by conducting a blower door test. Insulation levels, the efficiency of your HVAC system and other important factors will also be assessed during the visit.

Until you schedule an energy audit, you can pinpoint and fix some of the more obvious areas of energy loss on your own by doing the following:

  • Locate air leaks – Use a flashlight to look for all cracks around windows, doors, and in foundation walls. For less visible areas, such as under baseboards, test for drafts by holding your fingertips close to the area or by holding a lit stick of incense and observing the smoke.
  • Check your attic insulation – Over time, attic insulation can shift or become damp and lose its ability to insulate the home sufficiently. Visit your attic and look for signs of moisture, such as mold or a musty odor, and make sure that the insulation is securely installed with no gaps.

Fix small air leaks with caulk or weatherstripping. If you discover drafts beneath exterior doors, install door sweeps. Use expandable foam to fill gaps too large for caulk or weatherstripping.

For more information about heat loss or to schedule a service visit, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

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