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Here’s How to Stop Forgetting to Change Your Air Filter

Here's How to Stop Forgetting to Change Your Air FilterYour HVAC system in your Yuma, Arizona home has a number of components that contribute to its overall efficiency. One of the simplest, yet often overlooked, is the air filter. The air filter traps dust and debris that are floating around in your home, keeping it out of your air. If you do not change the filter, that grime can clog up the system, causing your air conditioner or heater to work too hard. Regularly changing the air filter is important to maintaining efficiency, yet many homeowners forget this crucial task. Here are some tips to help you remember to change the filter easily.

Use Technology

Set a reminder on your phone, computer or tablet to remind you to change the filter at the same time every month. When the alarm goes off, you will have an instant reminder that it’s time for this important preventive maintenance task.

Use the Calendar

Use the calendar to your advantage by linking the task to a calendar task that you do every month. For instance, if you give your pet their heartworm medication on the 10th of every month, link the two tasks. If you get paid on the first of every month, use that reminder to remind yourself to change the filter. If you have a paper calendar, write yourself a reminder on it.

Use a Visual Reminder

Stick a visual reminder somewhere in your home that you will see regularly. A sticky note on the inside of the pantry, for example, can help you remember this important task by keeping it visual. Also, if you tend to forget when the last time you changed the filter was, write the date on the filter itself. A month can pass in the blink of an eye, and that written reminder will help you know that it is, indeed, time to change the air filter.

Use your Power Bill

Your monthly power bill is a great reminder to change your air filter so the bill next month stays as low as possible.

Changing the air filter will help keep your system running as efficiently as possible. For more advice about HVAC efficiency, trust the HVAC professionals at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. Contact them today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about remembering to change your air filter and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “M.-Dykstra/Shutterstock”