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Are You Spring Cleaning Your HVAC System?

Are You Spring Cleaning Your HVAC System?Spring cleaning is always a good idea. After the cooler season in Yuma, freshening up your home in preparation for summer is like giving yourself a fresh start. As you are tackling this spring job, don’t neglect HVAC spring cleaning, so your air conditioner will be well prepared for the challenges of the summer cooling season. Here are some steps to take to spring clean your heating and cooling systems.

Clean the Air Vents

Are the air vents in your home getting grimy? If they are, then that dust and debris is getting sucked back through your home, impacting your indoor air quality. You can improve things greatly by cleaning them. Sometimes vacuuming them is all it takes, but sometimes you will need to get into the grooves with a dusting cloth. If they are particularly dirty, your air ducts may be as well, so consider having those professionally cleaned.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

Your outdoor unit on your air conditioner can collect quite a bit of debris, and that debris restricts the airflow. Part of your HVAC spring cleaning tasks needs to be the task of cleaning off that outdoor unit. To do so, turn off the power using the outdoor shutoff switch, then vacuum the fins. Dust off the cover, and cut back any vegetation that has grown up around your system.

Have a Professional Inspection

Finally, make an appointment to have your HVAC system inspected and serviced at the start of the cooling season. The dirt and debris that accumulate in your HVAC system can impact its productivity. Also, small problems that are left unchecked can grow into larger, more serious issues. Having an HVAC professional partner with you during your spring cleaning can ensure all of these issues are addressed.

If you are looking for professional help with your HVAC spring cleaning, contact the team at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company, your source for quality HVAC service in Yuma since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about spring cleaning your HVAC system and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “lsantilli/Shutterstock”