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HVAC Maintenance: DIY vs. Pro

HVAC Maintenance: DIY vs. Pro | HansbergerOne thing that we can all agree on — a properly maintained cooling or heating system will operate more effectively and efficiently than one that’s seldom maintained. However, that leaves the question of how to divide HVAC maintenance tasks between you, the homeowner, and your professional HVAC technician. While this can differ, since some homeowners are handier than others, here’s the usual division of labor:

Homeowner HVAC Maintenance

  • Air filter change. This is a simple but important task. A fresh air filter allows a clear flow of air to the A/C, heat pump or furnace, which means better energy efficiency, less stress on parts, optimum performance and enhanced indoor air quality.
  • Keep vents and registers clear. Don’t let carpeting, furniture, drapes, etc., block your vents and registers. Again, clear airflow is one key to effective HVAC performance.
  • Remove yard debris and other objects from the area around the outside A/C or heat pump unit.

Professional HVAC Maintenance

During an annual preventative maintenance visit, your trusted HVAC technician will inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and/or perform other system- or component-specific maintenance tasks on your cooling or heating system. Some tasks will change depending on what type of system is being maintained.

Cooling System

Other than performing system-wide maintenance tasks, the technician will measure refrigerant levels, check the capacitor and compressor, assess airflow, make sure the condensate drainage system is working properly, check fan motors inside and outside, and inspect the thermostat and stop-start controls of your A/C.

Heating System

These tasks will differ depending on whether your home is heated by a furnace, heat pump or some other method. The main focus of the technician will be safety, especially with a combustion heating system such as a furnace. He or she also will take steps to ensure your system is heating efficiently and thoroughly.

No matter the forced-air system, the technician should double-check to make sure you’ve been taking care of basic tasks such as the air filter change.

To schedule a preventative maintenance visit for your Yuma area home’s HVAC system, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration & Electrical.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC maintenance and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

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