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Back-to-School Tips: HVAC System

Back-to-School Tips: HVAC SystemIt’s time to go down the back-to-school checklist: Are the kids ready? Are you? Is your HVAC system?

Okay, you’re not really sending your HVAC system back to school. You have just given your A/C a good summer’s workout, however, so this is a good time for fall maintenance.

Catch Problems Before They Start

One of the main advantages of twice-yearly maintenance check-ups is that you can catch problems with your HVAC system before you need it to work.

During a maintenance checkup, the technician carefully inspects your system to make sure it’s in working order. This includes checking fluid levels and making sure fuel connections are properly attached. The technician will also check:

  • electrical connections to be sure they’re in good shape and not loose
  • hoses, ducts, and pipes to be sure they’re connected properly and have no holes or leaks
  • the thermostat to ensure it’s reading temperatures correctly
  • machinery to be certain it’s lubricated and not showing signs of excessive wear
  • the heat exchanger for signs of cracking or other problems

Clean Up After Summer Use

In addition to a maintenance visit, you can also do some end-of-summer tidying up.

For example, your air filter has been working hard to clean the summer dust and pollen out of the air. This is important both for your family’s indoor air quality, but also to keep dust and debris from causing a strain on your HVAC system. Air filters should be changed every 30–90 days, so use the change of seasons as a reminder to check yours and change it if needed.

Another part of your system that needs tidying up after a long summer’s work is your outdoor unit. As you’ve probably noticed, this unit does an outstanding job of collecting grass clippings, dead leaves, and other yard debris. Plants also seem to enjoy growing around it. Clear away anything that might cause air blockage to save wear on your system and improve energy efficiency.

For more information on fall maintenance for the HVAC system in your Yuma-area home, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company today.

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Credit/Copyright Attribution: “geralt/Pixabay”