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Take Your Outlets Into the 21st Century With USB Receptacles

Take Your Outlets Into the 21st Century With USB ReceptaclesFor those waging the battle on cords, there is good news at last. USB receptacles are now available as wall sockets, and they will eliminate those clusters of cords hanging off your computers, power strips, or hogging wall outlets. These receptacles combine 120 volt outlets with USB ports so that you can quickly and conveniently charge your devices in any or all rooms in your home.

The best feature of a USB receptacle is that it completely eliminates that heavy, black charger with its dangling cord. Even though they’re big and heavy, they’re easy to misplace or confuse with another charger. They take up plenty of room in closets and cabinets and get tangled with other cords. Most continue to draw power if they’re plugged in, even when they’re not charging anything.

About the New Receptacles

You’ll find the USB receptacles at major home improvement centers in the electrical departments. Choose only the UL-rated outlets that have good records. Since these receptacles combine electrical sockets with USB chargers, you don’t want to buy the cheapest and risk damage to your home.

The amps for the USB ports vary. Higher amps translate to faster charging time. By some estimates, using a typical USB receptacle cuts charging time using your computer or the USB jacks they come with by as much as 40 percent.

You’ll find a variety of receptacles, from those with just one electrical outlet to those that are USB-only with multiple ports. Unless your budget allows, choose a few areas where you need your phone by your side, like near your nightstand, in the kitchen, or near the couch.

They’re Not Plug and Play

These receptacles may look easy, but unless you’re experienced with wiring, it’s best to leave their installation up to a licensed electrician or contractor. Your homeowner’s insurance may not cover any losses you experience if they’re improperly installed by an untrained person.

USB receptacles will uncomplicated your life and increase convenience. To learn more, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company, providing trusted HVAC and electrical services for Yuma-area homeowners.

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Credit/Copyright Attribution: “eroyka/Pixabay”