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Ways to Protect Your A/C in a Natural Disaster

Ways to Protect Your A/C in a Natural DisasterNatural disasters strike Yuma infrequently, but when they do, the outdoor component of your HVAC system is at risk. Earthquakes and strong storms require some HVAC protection to keep the outdoor condenser for your air conditioner or heat pump intact and ready to go.

Natural Hazards

The Arizona Geological Survey classifies Yuma as a high risk area for an earthquake along the southeastern portion of the San Andreas Fault and its splay faults.

Summertime monsoon storms sometimes pack winds in excessive of 60 miles an hour with frequent lightening strikes and flooding rains. Winter storms aren’t as severe, but may carry damaging winds, and sometimes sleet and hail.

Precautions to Take

  • Ask your HVAC contractor to use tie straps to secure the outdoor condenser to its slab. The jostling from an earthquake might break or bend the refrigerant lines, and strong winds can knock it off its base. Tie downs will keep it in its place and prevent irreparable damage.
  • Blowing debris or pounding hail can damage the fins and coils inside the condenser, making it inoperable when you most need cooling indoors. If your equipment is older and can’t be repaired, you may need to replace the entire system because parts may not be available.
  • Install a surge protector for HVAC protection year-round. The power outages associated with strong storms often cause spikes in the power as it’s restored. These spikes can harm all components inside the HVAC system. If you opt for a whole-house surge protector, every appliance in your home will be protected.

Adding any kind of HVAC protection won’t require a large investment and it assures you that your system will operate once the crisis has passed. To learn more, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company, providing trusted HVAC services for Yuma-area homeowners.

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