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Weekly Tips for Ideal Home Comfort

Weekly Tips for Ideal Home ComfortIndoor air quality, home comfort and efficiency are different and unique to each home as each homeowner. But everyone wants to be comfortable, breathe healthful indoor and save energy, right? So, the solutions for overcoming poor comfort, degraded IAQ and inefficiency are often universal.

Try to tackle as many of the following tips each week you can for a more comfortable, healthful and efficient home.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is an element of health and comfort. Many times, as is the case with the following tips, better indoor air quality saves wear on HVAC equipment, which means better efficiency.

  • Air filter: One of the simplest tasks you can do for better comfort, health and efficiency is to change your air filter regularly. Easy.
  • Air cleaner: Whole-home air cleaners remove contaminants that air filters miss.
  • Air leaks: Seal up leaky windows, doors and attic spaces to keep away drafts and high energy bills.
  • Ventilation: A well-sealed home still needs ventilation to maintain peak comfort, IAQ and efficiency. Heat recovery ventilators are ideally suited for Yuma area weather.

Indoor Humidity

Yuma area residents don’t experience high humidity extremes, such as states in the southeast. our humidity issues are that the air is too dry and uncomfortable.

  • Humidifier: A whole-home humidifier can help maintain optimal indoor humidity, as it uses your home’s HVAC ductwork.
  • Air leaks: Air leaks again? Yes, air leaks bring in dry cold air. Seal them up!

Indoor Temperature

By now, you can see that there’s much more to maintaining indoor home comfort than simply adjusting your thermostat. But, temperature settings do matter when you are weighing home comfort and home efficiency.

  • Ceiling fans: Do you have ceiling fans? Use them! During the winter, set the fans to pull air up to the ceiling to prevent wind-chill effects.
  • Programmable thermostat: Use a programmable thermostat to maximize energy savings during sleep and work hours.
  • HVAC inspection: Schedule HVAC maintenance to insure your equipment is working its best.

When you need HVAC service to improve your home comfort, IAQ and efficiency, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company for the solutions.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about TOPIC and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183. 

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