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Back-to-School Checklist: HVAC Maintenance

Back-to-School Checklist: HVAC MaintenanceWith kids heading back to school after an exciting summer, now is the perfect time to concentrate on a few HVAC maintenance tasks that you’ve been putting off these past few months. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a quick list of what you should tackle first:

Conduct an Annual Checkup of Your Equipment

It’s important to call a qualified HVAC technician out to your home for an equipment checkup once per year. The technician will tweak the unit as needed and identify any mechanical issues that must be handled to keep the system in good condition. Doing this will keep your equipment running as efficiently as possible and will extend the operational lifespan of the unit.

Switch Out Your Air Filter

Your system’s air filter should be replaced every 1-3 months depending on how often it’s in operation. By the end of summer, there’s a good chance that the filter has been clogged up, so if you haven’t checked it recently, you should do so right away. This will ensure that your air stays clean and that system’s efficiency is always top-notch.

Seal Leaks Around Your Home

Air leaks force your heating and cooling units to work much harder than they should, which wastes both energy and money every month. Sealing leaks found in your ductwork, in addition to cracks and gaps around the edges of your doors and windows, is a great place to start. If in doubt, a blower door test will help pinpoint your home’s biggest problem areas.

Remove Debris from Your Outside Unit

Throughout the summer, you’ve probably noticed quite a bit of dust and debris around your home. Some of this has most likely found its way to your HVAC system’s outside unit, which can cause it to clog up and not operate as effectively or efficiently. Time to clean it up and get it working properly again.

For more expert advice on HVAC maintenance or other home comfort questions, contact the professionals at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’ve been serving the needs of Yuma and the surrounding area since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.