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How to Treat Your Thermostat During the Fall

How to Treat Your Thermostat During the FallNow that the fall season has arrived, it’s time for homeowners to think about changes they may need to make so that their family and friends are more comfortable. Part of your plan should be to concentrate on your home’s thermostat, and we’ve compiled a few thermostat best practices below:

Switch to a More Advanced Thermostat

First things first – if your home has a manual thermostat, then you’re definitely due for an upgrade. Programmable models have been the status quo for years and have helped homeowners lower their energy costs by helping to control usage. And now you can get one with wi-fi capabilities that will allow you to control the unit remotely.

Schedule a System Check

Hiring a qualified HVAC technician at the start of the fall season is a great idea, and he or she will be able to check the thermostat, too. If there are any problems with the thermostat, you’ll be given tips on how to fix it or be informed that replacement is necessary to achieve proper heating and cooling.

Replace the Batteries

This task will depend on how long it’s been since the batteries were previously switched out. This is an especially easy task to perform, because you can usually wait until your modern thermostat lets you know that the battery is low – whether it’s through an intermittent light indicator or a beeping noise. Either of these mean that it’s time to replace the batteries.

Choose a Heating/Cooling Schedule and Stick with It

If you use your programmable thermostat to select a heating/cooling schedule, try to stick with that schedule as much as possible. Constantly turning up the heat or the air in leiu of the schedule will negate the unit’s ability to help you save energy. Instead, try using fans if it’s too warm and bundling up if it’s too cold.

If you’d like to learn more about thermostat best practices or have other home comfort questions, please reach out to the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Yuma and the surrounding area since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.