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Ways to Prepare Your HVAC for the Holidays

Ways to Prepare Your HVAC for the HolidaysNow that the winter season has arrived, it’s time to turn your attention to holiday HVAC concerns that you and your household members may have. Whether you’re staying home for the holidays or going on vacation, here are some quick tips to put on your to-do list:

Choose an Indoor or Outside Party

If you’re planning to have guests coming to your home over the holidays, it’s a good idea to choose either an indoor or outdoor party – and then stick with it. When guests go in and out of your home on a continuous basis, it’s more difficult to ensure proper HVAC settings and keep your guests comfortable.

Check for Air Leaks and Seal Them

When air leaks out from cracks and gaps around your home, your heating system will be forced to work harder to keep you and your family warm throughout the holidays. You can stop much of this from happening by sealing problem areas with caulking or weatherstripping around doors and windows, in addition to your mending or sealing tears and rips in your ductwork.

Prepare to Bundle Up

The best way to avoid the high costs of heating your home during the holidays is to find alternative methods of staying warm. An effective method is to simply bundle up with sweaters and blankets whenever possible. This will give your heating system a rest and your monthly utility bills will be lower.

Find a Trustworthy Neighbor While on Vacation

If you’re going on vacation over the holiday season, you shouldn’t leave anything to chance. It’s best to choose a neighbor that you trust and have him or her periodically check on your home to help prevent any break-ins or mishaps. You should also give your keys to this person so they can tend to any necessary tasks such as watering your plants.

If you’d like to know more about holiday HVAC concerns, or if you have other home comfort issues, reach out to the experts at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We’ve been serving the needs of Yuma and the surrounding area since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.