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Indoor Heating Best Practices for Pet Owners

Indoor Heating Best Practices for Pet OwnersLong gone are the days when most pets languished outdoors, enduring the elements as best they could, summer or winter. These days, the more enlightened pet owner understands that pets feel weather as keenly as we do, and that they live longer and in better health if they can live indoors in temperature-controlled conditions. Now that winter is here (such as it is in Yuma), it is important to know a bit about optimum indoor heating and other issues that concern pets.

Best Indoor Conditions for Pets

While you probably set the temperature to suit you and the human members of your household, you undoubtedly have some concerns for your pets as well. If you’ve ever had a dog that pants continuously when the temperature seems fine to you, or dogs that shiver and cats that seek to burrow under covers, you know how difficult it can be to get everything just right for all, human and animal.

The fact is, just like us, pets have differing needs. Generally, smaller animals, those with thinner coats and those with less body fat tend to get colder. Older and very young pets also may require higher temperatures to stay healthy. Likewise, animals with joint issues and infections may also do better under warmer conditions.

When You’re Away

Never turn off the air conditioner or turn it up too high in the warm months while you’re away in the belief your pets can manage. When cats and dogs have to live outdoors, they often try to find a way to keep cool or warm by burrowing into the ground or under leaves in a cool spot; in your home, that obviously won’t be possible. Maintain a temperature between 65-75 degrees year round.

When vacationing, you should make sure your pet sitter has clear instructions about initiating repairs if the HVAC system goes on the blink while you’re away. Also, have a plan where the pets can go in this type of emergency till you return.

For more on pets and indoor heating and cooling, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company.

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