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Lower Your Electric Bill Through Energy Savings: Simple Ways to Be More Cost-Effective

Lower Your Electric Bill Through Energy Savings: Simple Ways to Be More Cost-EffectiveThe first place to start looking for energy savings during Yuma’s hot summers is with your cooling system, followed by measures that will cut the heat gain in your home. Since the air conditioning season lasts six months and sometimes longer, you could save a good deal of energy and money. 

Set the thermostat to a reasonable temperature.

Instead of keeping the temperature in the low 70s, bump it up to 78 degrees F for the cooling season. After a short time, you’ll adapt to the warmer temperatures for the summer. Every degree you raise the indoor temperature saves you money. Some people find that a programmable thermostat is the most convenient way for them to save energy when they’re away.

Establish good maintenance habits.

A clean filter promotes energy savings with your HVAC system. When the filter is dirty, the air flowing through the air handler slows down, which forces the system to run longer and drive up energy bills.

Another good way to cut energy consumption is to keep an eye on the outdoor condenser. Make sure that it has at least two feet of air space on each side and that the coils are clean.

Annual maintenance performed by an HVAC pro also cuts the air conditioner’s energy use. When the system is clean, adjusted and has the right amount of refrigerant, it will use less electricity. It won’t be as likely to break down when you most need it.

Inspect the register covers to be sure they’re fully open and not excessively dusty, which could indicate a ductwork leak that should be fixed immediately.

Hang the shade screens.

By spring, the sun in the desert is already hot and when it shines through your windows, your home will get hotter. If you don’t have shade screens, consider investing in them. They last for decades and can cut the heat coming through the windows by 90 to 95 percent.

These tips will help you stay more comfortable in spite of the warming weather. For more energy savings, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company, providing HVAC services for Yuma-area homeowners.